commercial roof repair Columbia, md
June 5, 2023

Commercial Flat Roof Repair Columbia, MD

Most commercial building managers and owners have a long list of issues they’d rather not deal with. Somewhere near the very top of that list is having to deal with roof repairs. Not only can the exact source of the buildings’ leak be ambiguous and difficult to find (and thus fix), but ignoring leaks and other roof issues can lead to bigger problems down the road. And bigger roof problems almost always correlate to more money out of your pocket. Flat roof leaks, as such, always present their own unique difficulties and thus, solutions.

Commercial flat roofs are also referred to as sloped roofs. This is because your commercial roof is not 100% flat. You always need a slight slope to direct rain water in a certain direction. Issues with sloped roofs’ can either be pretty straight forward or exceptionally challenging. When the issue is on the more challenging side, fixing the problem can involve complex reconstruction methods and precise direction from a professional roofing company

J Smucker Contracting has been servicing Columbia, MD and the tri-state area for years.  After reading this article, we hope you come away with a better understanding of roof repair usage, phraseology, processes, and prices associated with flat roof repairs. 

We recommend using a professional roofing contractor to document and repair commercial leaks.

What are the two types of flat roof repair?

Let’s get started by defining exactly what we mean by ‘roof repair’. By roof repair, we generally use two categories: emergency repairs, and proactive repairs. 

Emergency Roof Repairs

Emergency roof repairs are exactly what you think they entail. They entail a situation where you (unexpectedly) have water leaking into your building and the issue obviously has to be fixed immediately. You don’t need to be a roofing contractor or building engineer to understand that water entering the building causes damage; and fast. And if unresolved, that damage metastasizes quickly as well. As such, leaks you were previously unaware of are now an emergency. 

Emergency leaks are the result of years of dereliction, human error, or sudden natural causes – such as a recent, intense storm that causes some type of perforation on your roof.

Proactive Repairs

Proactive roof repairs entail systematic, yearly upkeep. Any complex or expensive system needs to have regular checkups so to speak, and proactive roof repairs are designed to stave-off the combined years negligence that often result in emergency repairs. Obviously, proactive measures won’t inhibit the giant limb from last weekends storm puncturing your roofing membrane, but it generally prevents most other unforeseen issues. 

Most importantly, proactive repairs are designed to save money in the long run, relative to emergency repairs. For example a tear in the fabric seam of your roof coating could lead to significant damage if untreated. But if you’re able to identify the early obsolescence of a seam starting to tear with a semi-annual maintenance plan, you’ll usually save much more money than unexpectedly having water coming into the brake room. 

How much does it cost to fix a flat roof?

The first question that usually comes to a building owners mind is how much the repair is going to cost. Obviously, there isn’t one answer to this question as each situation is unique. And what a layman won’t understand is that there are many ways a roofing contractor prices the repair of that roof. 

Time and Materials

A popular method or roof repair is referred to as ‘time and materials’. This consists simply of the amount of hours it take to fix the issue, the dollar amount per hour, and the price of the specific materials used to complete the job.

Flat Rate Pricing

Flat rate pricing is the idea that every roof will have base, flat rate associated with the cost of the repairs. This could range from $400 to $700 as an example. The contractor will come out for their estimate and, and after taking a look, will provide you with a flat rate quote. Within the quote that he leaves with you (or emails), you’ll see a general breakdown of the issues that need to be repaired, and the estimated cost associated with each repair. 

Not to exceed

“Not to exceed” is a term used for another way that contractors price out commercial roof repairs. Generally, there won’t be a charge associated with coming to your location to diagnose your repair issue. After diagnosing the problem and the proposed solution, the contractor then provides the building owner with what is called the ‘not to exceed total‘. 

This total is not an exact number but a range that the contractor estimates the total cost will fall within. For example, the repair estimate could be quoted at a range of $3,000 to $7,000.

The benefit of a not to exceed total is that even if the contractor comes across unforeseen issues with the specific repair, he’ll sill be held contractually to the not to exceed total and not be required to overcharge you for what was provided on the estimate. 

At J Smucker Contracting, we believe that the not to exceed total provides the best overall repair value to the customer. 

Okay, so what does a general roof repair actually cost?

While commercial roof repairs can vary depending on the circumstance, we know you’re itching to get some sort of number to walk away from this article with!  So we’ll provide you with a hypothetical (but common) situation. Let’s say you own a commercial flat roof in Columbia MD. There was a heavy storm over the weekend and a tree limb fell and punctured the membrane of your roof.  In order to properly fix the damage, the various membrane layers need to be pulled back, replaced, taped, and a new layer of top-coating has to be reapplied. Including time and materials, a puncture repair of this sort will probably cost in the ballpark of $700 to $1,000. 

Does commercial property insurance cover roof leaks?

In general, an aging roof succumbing to the standard tests of time will not be covered by by commercial property insurance. You need to have a specific event that’s covered in your policy, such as storm damage (excluding flooding).  

Document the damage and file a claim immediately.

When a commercial property is damaged, it’s important to document everything. This includes having a complete roof inspection by a certified professional. This will include photographs and videos specific to the damaged area. It’s also a benefit to have documented proof of the roofs condition prior to any storm damage, and an easy way to document this would be regular, commercial roof inspection and maintenance plans

After conducting a thorough and professional inspection, it’s important to promptly initiate the filing of an insurance claim. Filing the claim will service two primary purposes: protecting the property against any additional damage that may occur and (obviously) notifying your insurer of the situation.

While the claim is being reviewed, you as the owner or manager should take the steps to make temporary repairs to prevent any additional damage or deterioration. But remember, this temporary repairs must be just that – temporary – and not permeant.  Engaging in permanent repairs to the roof prior to a complete processing of the claim can result in claim denial, leaving property owners responsible for covering the repair expenses themselves. 

Temporary repairs can merely consist of placing a tarp covering over the damaged area. 

commercial roofing repair Columbia, md
It's important to document repairs for insurance purposes, but don't finalize any repairs before the insurance claim has been approved! - This could void the claim.

How do you repair a commercial roof leak?

Once the issue is detected the repair process will vary depending on the type of roof you have. There are various types of commercial roofs, such as PVC, EPDM, metal, and TPO to name some of the more popular ones. Most issues roof leak issues that arise (besides freak storm events) usually entail a leak from the seams. The membrane has a very long life but the seam is going to (usually) but the first item on the roof to experience deterioration and hence, leaks. 

To get additional insight into various popular roofing materials, you can read our article The 4 Best Flat Roof Materials

So to address the issue and perform the necessary repairs, the process usually involves several key steps. First, the damaged or failing portion needs to be carefully removed. Then, the replacement material is installed in it’s place. Following that, the area is patched and sealed, utilizing tapes and caulk to create and ensure a secure and watertight seal. 

This procedure applies not only to damage caused by external objects, but to other types of issues too. It just depends. But most importantly, you have to identify the failing area, replace it with fresh membrane, and then apply the appropriate taping and caulking. In places where the problem is concentrated around the ‘boot’, it will probably be necessary to either replace the boot itself or reapply caulking to the affected area. Remember this is a general guide. Sort of a large overview, but the repair itself should be handled by a professional contractor as there is always minutiae involved!

Can a commercial property owner repair roofs?

The generally advised answer would be no; for a couple of reasons. Firstly comes the priority of safety. Commercial roofing contractors have years of experience walking on and accessing commercial roofs. While it may seem relatively easy, navigating a commercial roof and staying safe isn’t always as easy as it looks!

The other issue is roofing supplies. Commercial roofers contractor with professional material suppliers. And many of not most of these roof supplies are not available at your local Home Depot! And to the extent that you can find roof repair materials, they will not be the same quality of materials that a professional roofing contractor has access to. 

commercial roof replacement Columbia, Maryland
Regular maintenance inspections from a qualified commercial roofing company can save much headache and add many years to the life of your commercial roof - all while saving money in the long-run. The above commercial leak inspection and correction for TCOM was completed in Columbia, Maryland


Addressing a leak in a commercial building can be challenging. When faced with a maintenance issue on your commercial building, we’d advise you to seek the expertise of a professional contractor. Having their assessment and assistance will ensure that the problem is properly examined and resolved. If you have any more questions about roof repair or maintenance packages, give J Smucker Contracting a call! We are eager to collaborate with you and provide a long lasting commercial roof. 

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