glassboro NJ commercial roof replacement
August 15, 2023

Glassboro, NJ Flat Roof Replacement Guide

We all have noticed that, generally speaking, most residential buildings utilize shingles in their construction. Not only are most residential homes in and around Glassboro, NJ (and the northeast coast) constructed using shingles, but they’re also designed with what the roofing industry refers to as slope – this is the general triangle-shaped nature we all associate with residential buildings. 

However, you might be curious about the prevalence of flat roofs on larger commercial structures with little to no ‘slope’. This inclination towards flat roofing on more significant commercial properties is rooted in several reasons, all of which revolve around cost-effectiveness. Constructing a flat, low-slope roof is both economically efficient and less complicated. Furthermore, the construction process is more manageable, allowing for easier access and navigation during and after the buildings’ construction. 

If you’re considering replacing your commercial flat roof in and around Glassboro, New Jersey, read this short guide for a few minutes. J Smucker Contracting can get you acclimated to all of the general flat roofing principles and pertinent information, making it much easier for you to navigate your upcoming roof replacement with general ease and peace of mind. 

glassboro NJ commercial roof replacement
A competent contractor should provide free, on-site building estimates followed by a detailed report outlining the work needed to be done and the approximate cost.

Do I need a new flat roof replacement?

Before moving ahead with an entire replacement, you’re definitely going to weigh whether repairs would be more suitable than an entire replacement.

Typically, the primary indicators for a new commercial roof replacement involve a situation where you have substantial leaks that routinely disrupt operations within your facility or lead to damage across large sections of, or the entire building. Absent any egregious, ‘act of God’ storm damage that destroys your entire roof, you’ll likely have a much older roof on your hands, meaning a roof that is 15, 20, or 25 years + old. These are prime candidates for roof replacement.

A general guideline to remember is that if visible water leakage occurs through your roof, a considerable amount of leakage remains unseen. This hidden water infiltration can harm your building significantly through various avenues. And oftentimes, the visible water leak that’s showing up in the storage room can be coming from a place tens of meters away from that specific location, which can often be confusing to building owners or managers who “for the life of me, can’t find where the leak is coming from!”

The initial indication of a very problematic, leaky roof will be water spots on your ceiling inside the building. In most cases, except for instances like a bursting pipe, the issue stems from surface roof leakage. The second common scenario that could necessitate a new commercial roof is when the walls of the building inexplicably develop bubbles. This occurrence signifies that a leak has persisted over a prolonged period, potentially causing the underlying roof structure to deteriorate. The third noteworthy sign involves the presence of mold or decay in the attic space beneath the roof or generally throughout the building.

Even if your roof is in considerable disrepair and is experiencing substantial leaks, prompt intervention can often lead to successful restoration rather than complete replacement with an entirely new flat roof. At J. Smucker Contracting, our distinctive roof restoration system offers an optimal solution. If you are considering roof replacement, we suggest exploring this alternative.


glassboro NJ commercial roof replacement
"The initial indication of a very problematic, leaky roof will be water spots on your ceiling inside the building. In most cases, except for instances like a bursting pipe, the issue stems from surface roof leakage."

Flat Roof Replacement Preparation

You’ve realized it’s time to replace the roof; what next? Many times, it’s often a good idea to turn to the company that has been responsible for servicing and maintaining your roof. A good roofing contractor that’s been servicing your building should possess an in-depth understanding of your roof’s characteristics and be well-acquainted with your building’s unique needs. Ideally, they will provide you with appropriate guidance during the replacement process. However, this doesn’t imply that you should readily accept their estimate and immediately commit! It’s still recommended to seek second and even third opinions. The objective is to ensure you receive the finest quality work at the most reasonable price.

It’s usually not recommended to go with the absolute cheapest quote you’re offered. We all understand that saying of paying twice when you buy the cheapest product… Usually, the best option is somewhere in the middle range of pricing quotes. Not the absolute most expensive, but not the lowest, dirt cheap option either.  If you don’t currently have an existing roofing company you’re collaborating with, seeking recommendations from family, friends, or fellow building proprietors is a good word-of-mouth resource. If those sources are unavailable, a thorough Google search is the next step. If you’re searching through Google Business Profiles, we wouldn’t recommend going with any company that has lower than 4 out of 5  stars. That’s usually the sign of a mediocre company at best. Anything below a two star aggregate review ranking you’ll want to avoid like the plague. This is too important a purchase to flub-up, so to speak. Regardless of your choice, ensure that the chosen entity is licensed, insured, boasts positive reviews, and values your business.

A Quick Note Regarding Your Quote/Estimate

We’d like to briefly mention what you should be looking for when you receive a quote/estimate from a potential contractor. In short, your estimate should be as detailed as possible. Furthermore, your estimate should have been completed by an on-site inspection. Any deviation from these two initial requirements should nullify a contractor from any consideration. 

The majority of commercial roofing contractors offer on-site visits to your property for a complimentary estimate. Subsequently, a competent contractor should furnish you with a comprehensive report and visual documentation outlining the specific repair or replacement they propose for your roof. Ambiguity or uncertainties should be avoided entirely. Upon reviewing the estimate, you should possess a clear understanding of the proposed work, along with a reasonably accurate pricing estimate. Ideally, you should be presented with dozens of photographs within your estimate that show with written details on the pictures what needs to be done. See below for examples. 

Glassboro, NJ commercial roof replacement
Glassboro, NJ commercial roof replacement
The contractor submitting an estimate should provide dozens of photos within his report detailing the exact issues to be addressed in photos and writing. This should be done for repairs AND replacements. Nothing should be ambiguous

The Flat Roof Installation Process

What does the process of installing a flat roof entail? In the current landscape characterized by material delays and the workload that most commercial roofing companies handle, it’s important to anticipate a waiting period between contract signing and the commencement of initial construction. In the most favorable scenarios, a span of 6-8 weeks is the norm. However, recent trends indicate extended delays due to varying material availability. Once the construction phase starts, the process should generally proceed smoothly.

Initially, the existing roof must be removed. This might solely encompass the membrane or involve everything down to the decking. During this phase, you can expect the presence of dumpsters, sizeable mechanical lifts, and general construction noise. Your chosen roofing company will try to make efforts to reduce any disruptions to your day-to-day business operations. Thankfully, significant interruptions to your business are rare for most new roof installations. After the removal phase, fresh insulation and membrane are installed, potentially accompanied by new edge metal and even gutters. The project concludes with meticulous sealing, securing, and thorough cleaning. At this point, you can hopefully look forward to enjoying decades of satisfaction without the worry of leaks.

What You Should Expect

Here’s what you can expect throughout the process… consistent communication. You’ll always find a foreman on-site daily, ensuring smooth progress and keeping you in the loop about developments and any essential details. Maintaining cleanliness is a priority; the work area should always remain tidy. After the initial day, most of the action will be up on the roof, so it’s important that they keep most materials up there and refrain from leaving a mess below. Everything, from the tear-off to the new materials to the management of debris should be done in an organized fashion. Lack of organization on any construction site breeds dysfunction and can push the job outside of the lines of standard operating procedures and accountability. 

Some noise is par for the course; remember, it’s a construction site. Noise comes with construction territory, so a little patience is key. Be prepared for an occasional drip or two. It’s worth noting that a reputable commercial roofing company never uncovers more roof areas than they can reseal within a day. Weather can be unpredictable, so this precaution is taken to prevent undue water infiltration. While efforts are made to minimize them, it’s possible there might be a few minor leaks during the process. Rest assured, these will be kept minimal, and every precaution will be taken to avoid them entirely.

It’s crucial to bear in mind that the existing roof likely had leaked before the roofing company’s arrival. This is precisely why you’re replacing it, isn’t it? The new roof won’t be fully sealed until the entire installation is complete. To sum it up, patience is key. You and the roofing company are partners on this journey, working towards the same goal – a leak-free roof, achieved as efficiently as possible. Open communication is paramount; try to avoid surprises and grant each other the patience needed for a successful outcome.

For further insights on replacing your commercial flat roof, don’t forget to explore our earlier article titled ‘When to Repair or Replace a Commercial Flat Roof.

Conclusion - Commercial Roof Replacement in Glassboro, NJ

We hope we’ve provided a general yet thorough outline of the roof replacement process. There really is a lot of information to cover, much of it can’t fill up a whole blog article. If this article has spurred any additional questions and you’re considering a replacement of your own, give J Smucker Contracting a call. We provide commercial roof replacement services in Glassboro, PA and the surrounding tri-state area.


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