J Smucker Contracting surveys a roof with commercial coating
May 7, 2024

The Most Common Commercial Roofing Questions Answered

Are you confused about commercial roofing? Investing in quality commercial roofing is necessary for comfort and peace of mind. Moreover, a roofing system can be considered an investment, and identifying where to begin might be a bit confusing for starters.

This guide will help you with the most common questions about commercial roofing systems, such as leaks and water damage. Learn more about roofing solutions that meet your building’s specific needs with a longer lifespan.

Understanding Commercial Roofing Systems

Don’t rush the project; ensure everything is ready before beginning a roofing project. Consider the project size, climate, timeline, and, of course, budget. Once you understand your property’s demands, you’ll be better equipped to decide on the type and materials needed for your roof.

Types of Commercial Roofs

Commercial properties have unique roofing needs when compared to residential structures. Some common types of roofing systems used in commercial buildings are:

  • Flat Roofs – These roofs have little to no slope, which maximizes the usable space on the roof. They’re most commonly seen in warehouses, retail stores, and large industrial buildings.
  • Metal Roofs – Metal roofing systems are durable, lightweight, and often made from materials like aluminum, steel, or copper. They are ideal for low-slope or steep-slope commercial structures.
  • Single-Ply Membrane – This type of roofing system includes popular materials like EPDM, TPO, and PVC. They’re known for their flexibility, durability, and energy efficiency.

Choosing the Right Commercial Roofing Services

Selecting a Roofing Contractor

When undertaking commercial roofing projects, it is essential to choose the right commercial roofing company. One of the most important factors to consider is the verification of a license for a roofing contractor in adherence to the state’s policy.  This ensures that the contractor follows the standard set by authorities.

Seek out an individual with a reliable history of successfully completing high-quality projects. Experience is crucial; therefore, look for contractors who focus on commercial and industrial roofing projects, as they will possess the necessary expertise for these types of jobs.

Also, local contractors are well-versed in the local climate, building codes, county and state regulations, and permit requirements, leading to a more seamless and compliant project completion.

Evaluating Roofing Materials

Selecting the perfect material for your commercial roofing project is crucial, as it influences durability and energy efficiency. Here are some common commercial roofing materials and their typical lifespans:


Lifespan (years)







Asphalt shingles


Metal Roofing


Roof Maintenance and Repairs

The Importance of Regular Inspections

As a business owner, facilities manager, or commercial property owner, you know how crucial it is to protect your investment. One essential aspect of that protection is regular roof maintenance, which includes routine inspections. Regular roof inspections help identify potential problems before they become major issues, saving you time and money on costly repairs.

It’s recommended to schedule inspections at least twice a year, typically before and after the most severe weather seasons. Additionally, these inspections should be carried out by a professional who can thoroughly assess any water damage, improper installation, and other common issues.

Common Roofing Issues and Solutions

  • Roof Leaks: Roof leaks are the most common problems experienced by commercial property owners. Over time, even minor leaks can cause significant water damage to your building’s interior, so addressing them quickly is essential. To prevent leaks, ensure proper installation of roofing material and flashing. Regular inspections can help spot any minor problems before they escalate.
  • Debris and Clogged Drains: Accumulation of dirt, leaves, or other debris on your roof can lead to blocked drains and gutters. A consistently clean roof surface helps avoid water ponding, which may lead to leaks and eventual roofing material deterioration. Schedule routine maintenance to clear debris and unclog drains.
  • Flashing Issues: Improperly installed or damaged flashing can lead to water seepage around vents, pipes, and other roof penetrations. Inspect flashings regularly and conduct necessary repairs to prevent future problems.

Cost Considerations for Commercial Roofing

As a commercial real estate owner, it’s essential to take cost considerations into account when planning for the maintenance, repair, or replacement of your building’s roof.

Several factors can impact the overall cost of a commercial roofing project. Some of the main aspects to consider are:

  • Type of roofing material: Different materials have different price points. For example, TPO and PVC roofing materials typically cost more than asphalt or metal options.
  • Size of the roof: Larger roofs require more materials and labor, leading to higher costs.
  • Signs of damage: If there are significant signs of damage that require costly repairs, the overall project cost will increase.
  • Location: Pricing may vary based on the area’s economic conditions and access to materials or skilled labor.
  • Level of customization: Unique features, such as green roofs or custom designs, can also lead to higher overall costs.

Minimizing Long-Term Expenses

It’s always a good idea to minimize long-term expenses related to your commercial roof. Here are some strategies to help you achieve that:

  • Regular roof maintenance
  • Invest in proper drainage
  • Choose durable materials
  • Work with professionals

By paying close attention to these cost considerations and taking steps to minimize expenses, you can maintain your commercial roof in good condition and maximize the value of your investment.


What does routine maintenance for commercial roofs entail?

Regularly scheduled inspections can identify small problems like leaks or cracks before they worsen. In addition, addressing issues promptly can prevent costly damage when problems are left unattended. Lastly,detailed maintenance records can help track the roof’s condition and predict future needs.

How do you detect leaks in a commercial roofing system?

Leaks in commercial roofs can be detected through visual inspections, looking for signs like standing water, discolored spots, mold growth, and damage to the roof membrane. You can also use infrared thermography, which identifies temperature differences within the roof to spot potential leaks.

What materials are commonly used in commercial roofing?

Common commercial roofing materials include:

  • TPO roofing: Durable and energy-efficient, lasts 15-20 years.
  • EPDM roofing: Resistant to UV exposure and harsh weather conditions, lasts 20-25 years.
  • PVC roofing: Provides excellent resistance to chemicals and fire risk, lasts 20-30 years.
  • Built-Up Roofing (BUR): Consists of multiple layers for added durability and long-lasting protection.

Can you explain the differences between a flat and pitched commercial roof?

Flat roofs have a slight slope, usually between 1/4 to 1/2 inch per foot, to allow water drainage. They are more common for commercial buildings due to their easy accessibility and lower construction costs. Pitched roofs have a steeper slope and are more commonly seen in residential construction. While pitched roofs offer better water runoff, they may not be the best choice for large commercial properties due to their increased construction and maintenance costs.

What are the signs that a commercial roof needs to be replaced?

Signs that your commercial roof may need replacement include:

  • Persistent leaks even after repairs
  • Extensive water damage
  • Large areas of damaged or torn membrane
  • Widespread deterioration of roofing materials
  • Exceeding the recommended service life for the roofing system

How does the climate affect the choice of commercial roofing materials?

Climate plays a significant role in determining suitable commercial roofing materials. For hot and sunny regions, reflective roofing materials like TPO or PVC can help reduce heat absorption and energy costs. In areas with harsh weather conditions such as extreme temperatures or heavy snow loads, durable materials like EPDM or Built-Up Roofing may be more appropriate. Always consider your local climate when choosing the right roofing system for your commercial property.


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